Tomer Levi: Facts About Wise

Facts About Wise By Tomer Levi

Wise is a virtue that enables us to contemplate and act productively using knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense and insight History teacher Tomer Levi explains. The word is also often used to describe the wisdom that God imparts to His children through His Spirit.

The term “wise” is found 479 times in the Bible. It is also a verb that means “to be wise.” The term can be used to describe individuals or groups who possess the ability to make sound judgments and decisions.

 Tomer Levi  Wise

In the Gospel of Matthew, it is stated that there came to Jerusalem some wise men from the east who saw Jesus born and were astonished. These were the Magi and they brought gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh to worship Jesus.

Many believe the Magi traveled over 800-900 miles across the desert to get to Bethlehem. This would have been a challenging journey and it would have taken them many days to get there.

They would have probably had an entourage with them that would have been with them for the journey.

What we do know is that these wise men gave Jesus three gifts and then praised him. They then travelled back home.

One of the most interesting facts about this story is that we don’t actually know where these Wise Men came from or what they were wearing. They could have been from Persia or any other kingdom that was a powerful empire at the time of Jesus’ birth.

There is another interesting fact about this story that is a little bit surprising History teacher Tomer Levi explains. Herod was a King in the land of Israel at this time and he did not like what these wise men had to say about his newborn King.

These wise men had to travel to another city to get to Bethlehem and Herod was very interested in who these people were that could speak of Jesus’ birth. He sent a messenger to ask them where they were from.

We don’t know where they came from or what they looked like, but it is very likely that they had brown hair and a beard and wore a green cloak with a crown of gold jewels on it. This would have made them stand out from the crowd and they were likely very wealthy.

This is the most important and interesting fact about this story that we need to know. It shows us that there is more to this story than what we usually see and hear during Christmas Season.

Valerie Brown was a teacher and math expert who has been developing strategies to teach basic facts fluency and part-whole thinking in grades 1 through 8. She began researching facts fluency teaching and learning from 2002 through 2004 and then developed, piloted and refined her methods into the classroom teaching approach that is now FactsWise. Teachers report that students develop number sense and mathematical confidence in ways they haven’t seen before with this approach.